Thursday, April 3, 2008

Almost finished!

Update on the tank: the stand has been polyed and leveled, the lighting hardware has been attached, and the tank has been planted!

I'm using a substrate that is a mixture of eco-complete and topsoil, with a layer of pure eco-complete on top. The topsoil will provide additional nutrients to the rooted plants, and as the rooting plants I'm using (cryptocorynes) hate change, hopefully it will provide them with a greater degree of stability.

The hardscape is manzanita branches and basalt. The plants used so far are cryptocoryne spiralis, cryptocoryne wendtii "red", and narrow leaf java fern, as well as various floating plants.

And here is the complete set up with the hanging lights:

Once more plants have been added, and have had time to stabilize and grow, it will be time to start adding fish!

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